
The younger a person, especially men, start watching porn, the higher their current use of porn. Moreover, once they grow up, they tend to enjoy sex less if they ever make it to a committed relationship and they like to do pornographic acts in their sexual life hoping to feel great but that remains like a ‘thirst’ that is always there but never quenchable. Normally, due to developmental effects, teens have a higher chance of getting addicted to almost any substance or behaviour they may attempt. Moreover, teens who use porn will over time want to watch violent porn and deviant porn involving animals and children.

Poor parent-child relationship.

A significant number of teenagers who consume porn are likely to say that they experience poor relationships with their parents or guardians. It is possible also that the poor relationship is the facilitating factor.

Casual Sex and Sex Identity Confusion.

Teens who watch porn tend to be more sexually permissive which puts them at the risk of STI and negative psychological effects uncommitted sex. Moreover, a number tend to be confused about exactly what they believe about sex.

Objectification of women.

Both tee boys and girls who use porn tend to think, consciously or not, that it is okay for women to be treated as objects of sex. This is harmful especially since this means that more girls will be abused and they will assume that being abused is okay.

Sex with younger Children.

A significant percentage of teen males who watch or listen to porn have a higher likelihood of having sex with younger children or teens. Such teens also tend to like to watch violent and child porn. Basically, porn produces young predators.

Risky and Harmful Sexual Actions and Behaviour.

Teens who use porn have a greater likelihood of having multiple sexual partners, engaging in group sex, anal sex, use drugs during sex and other harmful sexual actions.


One of the consequences of porn mentality is sex is nothing much and being easy and loose about it is progressive and cool. This, therefore, increases the comfort with which teens might think it is okay to send or receive nudes or sex sexually provocative texts or images. However, “sexters” are often sexually active, probably using some form of substance before sex, coerced or coercing others to do so and very probably with multiple sexual partners.

Criminal Behaviour.

Most male teen sex offenders have been exposed to porn or sex as compared to other male teen offenders not accused of sex offences. Moreover, teens who use porn have persistent behaviour of lying, stealing, manipulation, engage setting fires, force others to have sex with them, talk in a sexually aggressive manner and also engage in bestiality.

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